Improving the research experience for people interested in solar panels

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Improving the research experience for people interested in solar panels

Hej hej! I hope it's okay to post a research project on solar panels here: We are looking for interested people who have installed solar panels within the last 12 months to participate in a 60-75 minute interview (rewarded with 50€).  

One of Europe's largest energy suppliers would like to find out more about people's experience in researching a suitable system/supplier in order to get a better understanding of what is most important in the search. The feedback will help to improve the research process for anyone interested in photovoltaic systems in the future.

More details on the project can be found on LinkedIn.

We'd love to talk to anyone here or anyone you might know to hear about your experiences, and we hope that this project will help people in the future looking to install a system of their own!